Monthly Archives: September 2012

The Hard Corps: Combat Training for the Man of God

hc.pngHankey, Dai. 

The Hard Corps: Combat Training for the Man of God

Epsom, Surrey: The Good Book Company, 2012. Pp. 124. Paper. $12.99.




With thanks to The Good Book Company for this review copy!

This review is part of Cross Focused Reviews’ The Hard Corps blog tour.

The Hard Corps: Combat Training for the Man of God is a rallying cry for men in the church to ready themselves for battle in service of King Jesus. Dai Hankey goes about accomplishing his task through several preparatory “combat training sessions” (which consist of a summary point, a Scripture passage to read, and some questions for reflection) that set the stage for a creative exposition of 2 Samuel 23:8-39, which focuses upon a cast of characters who were all great warriors serving under King David.

Hankey’s keen observations about the bravery, obedience, and faith of these warriors are enough to stir anyone into combat so long as they have a heart to serve. But his equally keen observations about their troubled pasts, their many failures, or their lack of recognition are enough to inspire confidence in those of us who might not feel quite up to the task. All every point Hankey rightly recognizes that spiritual warfare is real and he believes that the man of God needs to be equipped.

When it’s all said and done, this is a book about God’s calling, empowering, and most importantly, his loving-kindness and grace. Hankey’s call to arms is really a call to loving the LORD with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, which manifests itself in our love for others and our obedience to what God asks of us. Being a soldier in the LORD’s army isn’t about physical strength or one’s ability to fight; it’s about recognizing our own weakness and depending on God to get us through every battle.

The creative exposition is supplemented with plenty of personal anecdotes about being a dad, a husband, a DJ, and probably most relatable to most readers, a sinner, which helps to make this book relevant for a wide range of men. Whether you struggle with fear, pride, pornography, apathy, or something else, I’m confident that Hankey has a prophetic word for you. The intended audience seems to be late teen to early 30s given Hankey’s vernacular, which btw, is not affected much by his Welsh accent, but there’s plenty that will be useful to older men as well.

The call to step up and be better sons/brothers/husbands/fathers is timely and welcome. His language can be a little colorful at times (e.g., when he refers to getting kicked in the nuts [112]), but it’s really no big deal. Still though, parents presenting this to their young boys might want to take this into consideration before doing so. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and would recommend it to the men in my church without hesitation.

Here are a few takeaway quotations:

“…we need to be more than just inspired to live for Jesus. We need to be empowered!” (16)

 “Men who don’t look to Jesus will always face defeat, whereas men who are fixated by Jesus fight like they’re unbeatable—because they are!” (19)

“No soldier in the heat of battle ever complained that he had received too much combat training. You can never be too prepared for war. Effective training requires considerable discipline and sacrifice.” (33)

“Do you really want your obituary to read: ‘I got 5,000,000 points while escaping from demon monkeys in Temple Run. Beat that!’?

That’s not a legacy.

That’s a tragedy.” (113)


In the Mail

I neglected to mention this on the blog earlier (since I’ve been inundated with unexpected menial tasks throughout the day) but my signed copy of Chris Tilling‘s new monograph Paul’s Divine Christology arrived in the mail. There’s a very nice handwritten note on the first page that (1) I’ll cherish for a long while, and (2) causes me to believe that had it not been for the intervention of the Lord Jesus, Chris might have turned out to be a serial killer (they tend to have his kind of handwriting!).

This is more than three years in the making as I told Chris, “Keep me in mind for that autographed copy of the published version” on April 17, 2009. This is the copy that I will be reviewing and adding my own handwritten notes to, or perhaps I’ll just mark up the printed thesis (hard to believe that I printed and bound this thing over two years ago!) and leave this one pristine. We’ll see. I have two slim volumes to review and then all of my time will be devoted to this.

As for my review copy from Mohr Siebeck; it’s been promised to my friend Esteban, whose birthday just passed. I can think of no one more deserving. But I would heartily recommend, as I have so many times in the past, to pick up a copy of your own. I am not joking, exaggerating, or blowing smoke when I say that this is the most important book on Christology to be published in English in the last decade. And I say this as someone who has read most of the important works published on the subject from the last 30 years!


Time Flies and Tragedy Sticks

It’s hard to believe that 11 years have passed since the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. I still remember that day vividly. Isn’t it funny how such tragedy and terror can so firmly cement even the most mundane of things in your head? Every time I think about the September 11 attack I think about the Kennedy assassination. My parents still remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.

I don’t have anything profound to say about any of this this morning. I will say that I’ll be saying a prayer for all those directly affected by the attack. Most people I know who are from the tri-state area either know someone who died on this day 11 years ago, or, know someone who lost someone on this day 11 years ago. In either event, may God comfort them as this infamous date is sure to drudge up horrible memories.


Delighting in the Trinity: Why Father, Son, and Spirit are Good News. 2nd ed.


Chester, Tim. 

Delighting in the Trinity: Why Father, Son, and Spirit are Good News. 2nd ed.

New Malden: The Good Book Company, 2010. Pp. 192. Paper. $12.99.

Westminster Bookstore



With thanks to The Good Book Company for this review copy! This review is part of Cross Focused Reviewsblog tour.

“It’s déjà vu all over again.” –Yogi Berra

I’ve already reviewed Tim Chester’s Delighting in the Trinity: Why Father, Son, and Spirit are Good News so one might wonder why I’d review it again. Two reasons: 1) this is a second edition, and as such I wondered what changes had been made from the first edition; 2) almost five years have elapsed from my initial reading and I’ve learned a great deal in that time; I wanted to see what this book would be like with fresh eyes. I have to admit that my overall assessment of the first edition remains pretty much the same with the second, but there’s good reason for that, which we’ll get to in a moment.

I’ll get the general description out of the way before moving on to the meatier matters. Delighting in the Trinity is an introductory text written with the intention to make anyone at any stage of their spiritual development see just how important the Trinity is and how it stands at the center of all things Christian. The book is divided into three sections in which Chester highlights the doctrine’s biblical foundation, historical development, and practical application. It’s a solid format that balances right belief with right practice when many authors prefer to favor one over the other. This book is clearly written, generally well argued, and very approachable (which is to say that the uninitiated could read it with great comprehension).

Allow me to begin the critical part of this review by noting that the second edition of any volume affords an author the opportunity to update, expand, or revise as necessary. It’s a crying shame when that opportunity is squandered and little to no change is made. Unfortunately, Chester has squandered a golden opportunity to correct some dated readings, interact with some solid arguments in recent literature, and update his overall method and thinking a bit.

For example, when making his case for the biblical foundation of the Trinity, Chester follows a well worn path of highlighting monotheistic passages; contrasting those with “us” and “our” language in the OT; showing triadic statements in the NT; and proof-texting passages that show each person of the Trinity to be God according to the authors of Scripture. Now there’s nothing wrong with this approach per se, but it’s been done to death, and this kind of piecemeal case assumes a certain later doctrine of the Trinity (be it patristic, medieval, or Reformed) to be the doctrine of the Trinity that the Scriptures merely allude to.

But there’s a better way to go about showing the Trinity in Scripture that pays more attention to the overall narrative and authorial presuppositions (see, e.g., the recent contributions of Christopher Seitz and C. Kavin Rowe in The Oxford Handbook on the Trinity). The approach Chester takes is also at odds with his approving use of Barth who saw the Trinity as the substructure of all of Scripture/revelation (see chap. 8). But perhaps most problematic and most widespread in literature on the subject is that it sets a post-biblical formulation as the standard that the biblical authors never quite measure up to. Chester says that “It would be wrong to say that the New Testament contains a doctrine of the Trinity in the way we now conceive it” (60), but that’s a rather banal observation, and that’s something completely different from saying that the NT contains a doctrine of the Trinity.

He later says that “A doctrine of the Trinity in this sense [i.e., the sense that the raw data is there] is only latent in the New Testament” (86). But just what if the Trinity is exactly what’s required to make sense of everything the NT has to say? Insomuch as it contains a doctrine of God, it contains a doctrine of the Trinity! Chester must surely believe this since he believes that the Trinity is God. And to approvingly quote Witherington and Ice as saying that the NT authors were “functionally trinitarian” is to say what exactly? That they were trinitarian? Amen! Indeed they were! But that they weren’t later theologians is really a non-issue. We run into the same problem when Chester tackles the ante-Nicene theologians like Irenaeus, Origen, and Tertullian. He’s nice enough to say that they’re not heretics since they couldn’t predict what shape the doctrine would take, but again, why not appreciate their formulations in their own right?

Other issues surface in Chester’s treatment of so-called Eastern vs. Western approaches to the Trinity. He uncritically parrots Théodore De Régnon’s paradigm, which stated that the East began with the three Persons while the West began with the one substance. He also continually repeats a false dichotomy that says the East was concerned with causal relations while the West was concerned with personal relations as if causal relations of order were anything less than personal. And as Fred Sanders has noted in his review of this volume, recent contributions from Ayres, Barnes, Behr, Anatolios, and a host of others have put De Régnon’s paradigm to rest. Both East and West affirmed the Father’s monarchē and were concerned with causal relations; there’s not nearly as much difference as has often been proposed. Even Calvin, whom Chester extols as uniting the best in both Eastern and Western thought, maintained this fundamental personal order (see Inst. 1.13.25).

The fact that this type of caricature remains in the second edition of Chester’s work, and that his suggested reading list (187-88) has barely been updated, suggests that perhaps Chester hasn’t updated his own reading. Even if he ultimately disagreed with these authors and thought De Régnon was onto something, he could have given some reasons why; instead we’re simply left to wonder.

But there were plenty of areas in which Chester didn’t need updating, revision, or expansion. I think Chester rightly notes that there’s a very particular God that Christians worship and that this God means everything to us. Chester won’t settle for just any old generic deity, no, it’s specifically the God who is Father, Son, and Spirit. He says, “We cannot talk about belief in God without asking which ‘God’ we believe in. So many of the people who claim to believe in ‘God’ do not believe in God—not the God who truly exists and has truly revealed himself in Jesus Christ” (17-18). Amen! I’m glad to see that he hasn’t wavered on this point. What he said originally stands up to recent treatments of the question of whether or not Christians worship the same God as non-Christians.

And Chester rightly sees how easy it is to fall into idolatry; it lurks around every corner; this is why it’s so important to know and commune with the Trinity. He also sees the Trinity at the heart of all things Christian (e.g., the Gospel, evangelism, missions, salvation, worship, etc.), and guess what? he’s correct to see such! It seems silly to commend an author for spotting something that is so self-evidently true, but sadly, a great number of believers just can’t see why the Trinity matters. For many Christians the Trinity is a confusing doctrine; something to be left to the theologians to discuss and argue over. They want to get to the practical life application type stuff, and Chester wants to get to that too (the third part of the book is devoted to it!), but he realizes that there’s no life application apart from the giver of life, the Trinity!

I also commend Chester for examining various atonement theories in light of the Trinity. Of course, I think he gets so much wrong when it comes to atonement (see my first review), but the fact that he sees such a strong connection is a positive feature. And he should be commended for spending a little time introducing novices to the ways in which various types of theologians use the Trinity for their own theological ends (e.g., the liberation or feminist theologians). He does a great job with the descriptive task without coming across as an adherent/defender of any one position, although it is quite evident that Chester is a theologus crucis after the order of Jürgen Moltmann when reading his thoughts on the cross.

And that’s really my sticking point; the abovementioned criticisms are relatively minor compared to Chester’s overwhelming emphasis on the cross, which in and of itself isn’t a bad thing, until one realizes that Chester sees a rift in the Trinity when the Son is crucified and dies for our sins. We read of the “moment at which God was most absent” (64) in referring to his absence from the Son. Likewise, we’re told repeatedly that God forsook God (64-66). Unfortunately, this contradicts Chester’s various comments about the oneness and unity of the Trinity. Right after speaking of the Son’s “separation from God” he speaks of the “unity of Father and Son in salvation” and further says that “Their unity at the cross is more than a unity of will. It remains a unity of being. The God of the cross is the God of the Shema—one, single, undivided” (71). But how are the Father and Son united while separate? How is this an argument for the Trinity and not tritheism?

He also inexplicably cites godforsakenness as the key to the Trinity. “‘Forsaking’ is an inter-personal term. The cross makes it possible for us to understand the Trinity as a community of persons in relationship,” Chester tells us (78). But is not the Father’s nod of approval at Jesus’ baptism in which he speaks to the Son who has just ascended out of the Jordan River in the power of the Holy Spirit relational? Can we not hear the Father’s “this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” and see an intimate relationship? What about Jesus’ agonizing prayer in Gethsemane, or any of his prayers throughout the Gospels? What about the upper room discourse in which Jesus speaks of sending another Comforter to his disciples? Is not all of this evidence of “persons in relationship”? Doesn’t the very Incarnation of the Word who was with the Father from all eternity show us “persons in relationship”? You get my point.

So in the end I think that Chester has the best of intentions but I think that the focus on the cross to the near exclusion of other major themes hurts his cause. I only pray that less seasoned readers will discern the intention while sifting through some of the more questionable portions of this work.


In the Mail

It’s getting to the point where I’ll tweet something and mistake it for a blog post. I can’t keep all of this stuff straight!

In any event, today I received a much anticipated package from Mohr Siebeck, namely my review copy of Chris Tilling’s Paul’s Divine Christology. I have a signed copy coming from Chris himself but that’ll probably be a couple more weeks. Regular readers (and irregular ones too) know well my affection for this work. I’ve stated this ad infinitum, but I’ve seen this project at various stages of its composition, so it’s extremely satisfying to see it published in a prestigious series, especially one that I feel publishes the finest monographs available on this particular subject.

Let me also reiterate that my enthusiasm for this work has absolutely nothing to do with my personal involvement as a proof reader; my personal relationship with its author; the fact that my name appears in the acknowledgements; or anything of the sort. I’m genuinely persuaded by the thesis and I think it makes a significant contribution to the field. Moreover, I believe that it’s extremely well written, full stop. Notice that I didn’t say it’s well written for a thesis. That’s because it’s just well written. Seasoned authors could learn a thing or two from the way in which Tilling turns a phrase.

But I’ll save all of my real fawning for the actual review. Oh, and I will be giving this particular copy away, but not in a contest, sorry. I have it earmarked for someone already so you’ll just have to go out and buy several of your own copies. I don’t usually advocate spending full price for expensive volumes, but in this case, I do! It’s well worth whatever it costs. I’ve read it numerous times in previous incarnations and I’m just as excited to read it in its final form. It’s that good! I’m done.


No, Jesus is Not Blogging…

No, Jesus is not blogging, but Anthony Le Donne and Chris Keith are at The Jesus Blog. As someone with a vested interest in Historical Jesus studies I’ll definitely be keeping up with their postings. I’m also honored to have been included on their blogroll, which I just noticed a moment ago. Apparently they have very good taste in addition to being fine scholars. I have to imagine that my enthusiastic review of Le Donne’s Historical Jesus had something to do with it.