January 2013

Aland, Barbara and Kurt, et al., eds. Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece. 28th rev. ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2012. Pp. 890. Hardcover. €35.00.

Dickerson, John S. The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors that Will Crash the American Church . . . and How to Prepare. Pp. 247. Paper. $14.99.

Farley. Andrew. Operation Screwtape: The Art of Spiritual War. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2012. Pp. 184. Hardcover. $17.99.

Horton, Michael. Pilgrim Theology: Core Doctrines for Christian Disciples. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011. Pp. 506. Hardcover. $34.99.

Kurth, Toby. A Study and Discussion Guide for Pilgrim Theology by Michael Horton. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2013. Pp. 78. Paper.

Studebaker, Steven M. From Pentecost to the Triune God: A Pentecostal Trinitarian Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2012. Pp. x + 281. Paper. $34.00.

February 2013>>