Amen Fred Sanders, Amen!

Fred Sanders is easily one of my favorite theologians. What’s not to love about this guy? He consistently writes about my passion, the Trinity, and he consistently does it in a way that’s accessible without being dumbed-down. His writing is full of humor and wit and he must have excelled in English throughout his schooling because he says stuff good. So it was no surprise that I enjoyed literally every word in a surrejoinder that he posted on his blog in response to some comments offered by Dale Tuggy about an article Fred wrote for the Biola Magazine. Fred’s initial article suggested that not having a single smoking-gun Trinity verse in the Bible is a good thing because the Trinity is a Biblical doctrine that runs all throughout Scripture (I’d agree!). Tuggy offered some criticisms and now Fred has responded by maintaining his position but also addressing some more fundamental matters in this type of debate. In any event, head on over and give Sanders a read, it’s worth your time, I promise.

Oh, and if you haven’t read it already, check out Sanders’ The Deep Things of God, which is worth your time as well! See my review of it here.


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