Drivel: The Secret to Success

In a recent post, Josh McManaway said:

I will say that I find as an undergraduate, blogging is daunting. When you’re competing (if I can use that word) for readers’ attention with people like Pat Mccullough, Chris Tilling, Jim West, Mark Goodacre, James Crossley, etc, it’s difficult to have something intelligent and interesting to say on a regular basis when you’re not as well-trained as them.

Ever the stickler for details that I am, I would just point out that James Crossley and Pat McCullough only grace us with their insight once every-so-often.  As much as I love both of their blogs, I’d hardly say that they post on a “regular basis.”  And Tilling… well, I’m not sure that we can exactly call this “intelligent” although I found it extremely interesting.  But the secret to blogging success is not to do what the next man does; that, my friend, is how you compete for readership.  It is for that reason that I stick to posting mostly drivel, because let’s face it, no one else does it on a consistent basis, yet surprisingly, people love to read it.  And the best part is that doing what I do requires no training!  In fact, training would probably just muck it all up. 

Think on these things…


14 thoughts on “Drivel: The Secret to Success

  1. I have to admit that my “drivel” posts have received the most attention out of everything I’ve posted so far… it’s kinda funny that a thoughtful piece about the intricacies of Pauline theology garners a bit of interest, while something funny or stupid brings on the hits and the comments… oh well… bring on the drivel!!!

  2. The conversations on Islam seemed to garner quite a bit of attention. Then again, it was a very small comment you made that caused the avalanche, so maybe your plan was working after all…

  3. Matthew: That’s always how it works. My book reviews are probably the most well thought-out posts that I produce and they only receive about a 1/10 of the hits that my call for a remake of the original Star Wars triology receives. People love drivel! ;)

    George: Yeah, and that comment seemed to be drivel to me. It’s not like I put a lot of thought in agreeing with Rod Parsley stating the obvious. ;)

  4. So true Nick. I think it says more about readers than anything though. I don’t think a lot of blog readers are really looking for something deep, thoughtful and lengthy, but instead to vent and relate with a bunch of people who share some of the same interests as them. Commenting on long deep posts leads to comment fatigue (recently coined by Nathan)

    Keep up the drivel!!


  5. “She said, ‘Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.'”

    – i would like to propose that by calling your own writing drivel, you are calling those of us who digest it dogs.

    seems about right. specifically of peter kirk…

  6. Bryan: So true. If we want something deep we’ll read a book. ;)

    Roger: Ha! I’m not even going to touch that one. :-P

    Chuck: Well, if there’s anything that historical Jesus research has taught us, it’s that Jesus was a cynic. ;)

  7. Chuck: No, you’re confused. Buddha was either a fat guy with a weed smoker’s grin, or a skinny guy with a bushman’s earlobes. Jesus of course is a lamb, always served with mint jelly. And the pink unicorn is John Shelby Spong.

  8. Woof, woof, Roger, but watch out and don’t forget Matthew 7:6, I might turn and tear you to pieces!

    Perhaps you need a new byline to go with the new blog title. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV hardly seems to fit…

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