What’s Your Ride? Meme

Mark Stevens has been wondering what other bloggers drive and he’s called for pictures.  I’m too lazy to go outside and snap a fresh shot at the moment but luckily I already had a pic from an old post.  So without further ado here’s my 2002 Ford Taurus:


7 thoughts on “What’s Your Ride? Meme

  1. Nice ride. They tired the Tauras here a few years back (the model you have) and it just did not sell!

  2. My Taurus is a 2003 and is silver. We gave my daughter our other Taurus, a 2005 and we will most likely purchase another Taurus when we decide to get a new car. Thrifty people drive Fords…leaving more moolah for books or iTech devices…*; )

  3. Mark: Hmm… Maybe they should have just taken the bull by its horns down there. (My apologies for the bad pun)

    Brian: Yeah, they replaced it with the Ford 500 (my dad had one for a couple of years and it was really nice) but they brought the Taurus back. From my understanding (I haven’t seen the new ones yet) they’re just like the 500.

    Ari: I wish. Who wouldn’t want all the Turkish delight that they could eat?

    Nancy: Exactly!

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