I’m Famous!

Alright, not really, but Ranger emailed me this morning and told me that James White mentioned my blog on a recent podcast.  He addressed the Paul Seely quotation I posted the other day.  Apparently my buddy Sam Shamoun wondered how James would respond, so if you were wondering the same thing then check out the program.  It’s the very end of the program.  Fast-forward until there’s like 10 minutes remaining.

Oh, and while I’m on the subject of my pseudo-fame, I just found out that my blog is one of the top 100 religion blogs ranked by Technorati.  I had forgotten about Technorati until Michael Patton mentioned them yesterday.  His blog came in at #4 mine at #70.


34 thoughts on “I’m Famous!

  1. Proverbs 22:29 (NIV)

    29 Do you see a man skilled in his work?
    He will serve before kings;
    he will not serve before obscure men.

    Small beginnings lead to greater things!

  2. Hey Nick, not only am I a buddy but I am also your biggest fan! I didn’t know that White responded on the show so thanks for letting us know.

  3. Sweet! If anyone should be famous it should be you. I like to challenge Sam about being your biggest fan. You are the one consistent blog that I read! LOL

  4. Nick – I know you would. I would too. You’re famous too though – I use that Bib50 list as link to blogs and I’m sure you’re near the top … that ‘game’ (yeah right) though is soooo pathetic ;-)

  5. by the way that wink was just my eye twitching – it shouldn’t have been there because I was deadly serious – that ‘game’ is dumb.

  6. Chuck: No, like the guy who seats you at a restaurant.

    Robert: I agree; if anyone should be famous it should be me! ;-) I appreciate the constant support. You can duke it out with Sam for #1 fan.

    Bitsy: Thanks. I wish I could say I had something to do with it. ;-)

    Steph: Right you are! That game is dumb! And I don’t need to be famous as long as you know who I am. :-)

    Esteban: Bond, James Bond.

  7. Esteban – He’s an antique dealer. I used to live next door to him when I lived in a little cottage in Aro Valley Wellington and went to university up the hill. We ran our second hand book shop and used to trade rare books with him. In fact I acquired my little Shiva through one of those book deals…

  8. Nick> Uh… I doubt it. ;-)

    Steph> Please be aware that Nick is trying flattery to usurp my place in your book inheritance list.

    But thanks for the clarification! Now I can sleep at peace at night.

  9. You both want my books? Sorry, I’m leaving them to Sheffield, Durham and Otago religious studies departments for the advancement in knowledge of many ;-)

    and you don’t really like me for me at all waaaaaah!!!

  10. but you can fight over my art books, and the first one to have new kiddies can have my Winnie the Pooh. Actually you can have one each because I’ve got two. And then there’s “Cat Logic” – I’ll leave that to Maurice because he LOVES Delilah …

  11. Oh, Steph dear, I’m not after your books — after all, I have quite a respectable library myself. I’m just bringing to your attention that Nick has been sore since you said in the comments to this post that you’d leave some of your books to me in the unlikely event of your death. ;-)

  12. Oh my Esteban – how funny! Sorry Nick, I didn’t realise – and I wonder who on earth I meant by Mark! Mark who? And if I gave them to the Salvation Army they’d only fob them off for $1 each and some greedy book dealer would grab the lot before anyone had a look in! What a strange comment. Anyway you’re both adorable and I’d love you both even if you did only want my books! :-)

  13. I once got on the top 100 religion blogs somehow, but it was fleeting. I miss the way technorati used to do things—you got to see which of your posts others addressed, and others got to see which of their posts you addressed, so a relationship gets formed.

    Congratulations on being mentioned by James White!

  14. James: I don’t know how any of these sites due their calculations. I’m probably out of the top 100 already since I dropped down to #81 the day after posting this.

  15. What’s weird about technorati is that some blogs can’t even be found on it. Bryan’s doesn’t show up when I type his address. Neither can John Andersen’s Hesed-ve-Emet.

  16. actually you’re numero uno – so there! Numero uno equal with Joel and a couple of others who wouldn’t interest you much. ;-)

  17. James: That’s not weird, it’s just something that you can set in your privacy settings. I know Bryan had his blog blocked from search engines but available for regular viewers. I don’t know about John.

    Steph: Speaking Spanish are we? So now I have to wonder if you’re addressing me or Esteban. ;-)

  18. How else would I know Spanish Esteban?! ;-) You’re a numero uno too…. and Nick, I assumed as an Esteban fan like me, you’d know Spanish like a cat knows miaow!

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