Two Items of Interest

Ed Komoszewski was good enough to pass along a couple of links that he thought I’d find interesting, and I did find them both interesting.  The first was to a radio interview conducted by my old sparring partner Sean Finnegan with Servetus the Evangelical, the pseudonymous author of The Restitution of Jesus Christ.  I really need to start reading that book!  His voice was disguised in the interview to protect his identity, which leads me to believe that he’s either really popular or really paranoid.  He made the statement that he was taught to believe in the Trinity but then after studying the Bible for himself he came to reject that belief.  As I shared with Ed, the opposite is true in my case.  I’ve never been taught about the Trinity in church or Bible study past some stuff in CCD from my Roman Catholic youth.  It was my personal study of Scripture along with Church history and theology in my 20s that has me convinced that the doctrine of the Trinity is true. 

The second link that Ed sent was to a soon-to-be-released volume from Keith Warrington entitled Discovering Jesus in the New Testament [TOC | Intro | Sample Chapter].  Here’s Ed’s endorsement:

Many want a piece of Jesus, but few want all of him. What else explains the stampede for books, videos, and seminars offering a truncated version of the biblical Christ? How starkly this book stands in contrast! Professor Warrington unveils a full portrait of Jesus, cast in the light of the entire New Testament and wholly faithful to the original. Has your Jesus been downsized? Pick up this book and find out!

So check the links out if they interest you like they interest me.


3 thoughts on “Two Items of Interest

  1. Wow. I’d be interested in what scriptures jumped out at you that convinced you that the trinity is true. One pastor uses the corinthians verses that talk about One God, One Spirit, One Lord

  2. Lawrence: The answer is all the Scriptures. It was taking seriously everything that the Bible has to say about God, Jesus, and the Spirit that led me to believe that the doctrine of the Trinity is the most accurate articulation of who God is.

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