Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: An Introductory Christology (TOC)

JITP.jpgSanders, Fred and Klaus Issler, eds.

Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: An Introductory Christology

Nashville, TN: B&H, 2007. Pp. xii + 244. Paper. $24.99.

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Thank you to Jim Baird of B&H Academic for this review copy!

  1. Chalcedonian Categories for the Gospel Narrative
  2. The Eternal Son of God in the Social Trinity
  3. The One Person Who Is Jesus Christ: The Patristic Perspective
  4. One Person, Two Natures: Two Metaphysical Models of the Incarnation
  5. Christ’s Atonement: A Work of the Trinity
  6. Jesus’ Example: Prototype of the Dependent, Spirit-Filled Life


8 thoughts on “Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: An Introductory Christology (TOC)

  1. Speaking of book reviews, are you going to review “Kingdom Triangle” by Moreland?

    I was going to buy it from my workplace but somebody bought it before I could and I don’t want to go through the trouble of ordering it to pay for it if it ends up not being good, and truth be told, most Amazon book reviews are useless so I’ve stopped reading them. So I’m pretty much counting on you to take care of this problem for me.

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